Laura Michet's Blog

Words Must Die – Pippin Barr Game Idea Jam

I am a huge fan of Pippin Barr and his enigmatic “game idea” tweets, so when I saw that they were running a jam based on those tweets– like, a better Molyjam– was all over that shit absolutely instantly. My friends and I wrangled up a gigantic team (for a jam, anyway) and we made a game called Words Must Die.

You can find Words Must Die here.

It's the first jam game I've made in Unity. Well, I didn't do any of the coding or touch Unity very much, but my friends Brody, Rosstin, and Brian did, and they did a phenomenal job. Here's the full list of participants:

  • Brody Brooks | Programming and Level Design
  • Kris Calabio (Twitter) ( | Sound Composer
  • Mark Calabio | 2D Art
  • Travis Ford Decastro | Music and SFX
  • Brian Maynard | Programming and Level Design
  • Laura Michet | Writing and Game Design
  • Rosstin Murphy | Programming
  • Kent Sutherland | Writing and Game Design
  • This was a thrill to work on, and it makes a really excellent stupid idea that Kent, Rosstin and I had over a year ago into a real, good thing. And we worked with a lot of new people and that was super great!

    Definitely check out the rest of the Game Idea Jam entries, because this was an extremely good jam idea.

    Update! We’ve been covered on the following sites:

    Rock Paper Shotgun: “It’s certainly the best western-themed FPSIF I can think of.”

    Kotaku: “Words Must Die is what happens when a first person shooter and visual novel have a beautiful baby.”

    Some Hungarian site: “Üdvözlet a vadnyugaton, ahol rosszarcú cowboyok és levegőben lebegő szövegrészek állják majd az utadat.”

    And a bunch of YouTubers!
