I recommend following these blogs and newsletters! Stick 'em in your RSS reader!
Last updated 3Â weeks, 5Â days ago
- All Stations Beyond from Davemakes - gamedev notes from the developer of Mixolumia and other delightful games
- Heather Flowers' newsletter - dev logs and comments from the developer of Snake Farm
- harmonycorp newsletter from thecatamites - gamedev updates from the developer of many intriguing things I've liked a lot, like Anthology of the Killer and Magic Wand
- Ghoulnoise from Priscilla Snow - game dev and life updates from the musician working on Skin Deep
- Azhdarchid.com by Bruno Dias - a blog from the narrative designer behind Fallen London, and a long-time collaborator of mine
- Someplace Elsewhere by Nat Clayton - writing from the level designer of A Highland Song and others!
- A. Le Doux's Blog - writing from the creator of Bitsy and With The Last Moonbeam, the most recently-developed GBA game I've ever played
- blog.dante.cool by Dante Douglas - my former coworker from Riot and the narrative lead on Airborne Empire
- fungus.zone by Mike Horowitz - an artist and animator whose writing I also loved on Cohost
- Blendo Games News from Brendon Chung - a great game developer who is unfortunately known primarily for being my cool and attractive husband
- Aurambles from Aura Triolo - an animator and fantastic writer about the games industry in general
- everest-pipkin.com - writing from one of my favorite experimental game/web art creators
- hpowellsmith.com - updates from Harris Powell-Smith, a fanastic narrative designer and writer
Other games, tech, and culture writing
- Cania's Blog - interesting recommendations and reflections on games, culture, and technology, particularly retro games
- Museum of Screens - a blog which aims to archive and explore the history of webgames
- CD-ROM Journal by Misty DeMeo - incredible finds from the history of games and technology
- The Chatner by Daniel Lavery - eccentric comedy writing about history and fiction from one of my favorite culture writers
Bikes, transit, and Los Angeles
- LA Streetsblog - a great resource for news about Los Angeles's transit upgrades, and opportunities for street safety/accessibility activism. The Streetsblog network also includes sites for NYC, MA, Chicago, SF, and California generally
- LA Taco - news about LA told through a very different lens than what you'd normally find in the LA Times. Real local journalism... on a taco website!